Thursday, October 25, 2012

IBPS Exam registration, how to register

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is a highly reliable and significant institution in India which has established itself as probably the strongest and the most trusted organization for the purpose of conducting recruitment steps and selection processes for the various vacancies arising in nationalized banks and other banking institutions in the country. The institution organizes Common Written Exams and Common Interviews for the recruitment of suitable candidates for the clerical posts, PO posts, etc. The IBPS has been very successful in reducing the level of confusion which is involved in the government banking sector recruitment procedure. On top of this, the institution has also made it a lot easy for the candidates to apply for the banks they wish to get employed with. A lot of time and money has been able to be saved by IBPS platform.

Important Dates to Remember

The registration and application process will be starting at from the date 15th October 2012 and it will go on till the date 5th November 2012 through the online mode only. This registration process is meant for the CWE and interviews to be held for clerk posts in the nationalized banks which are to be held tentatively in 2013.

Requirements for Online Applications

The following points need to be followed before applying online:

1.      The scanned photograph and the signature of the candidates as prescribed by IBPS.

2.      In case the candidates wish to make the payment of the exam fee through online mode, they should have all the required documents and components ready before proceeding with it.

3.      The candidates are required to have their own e-mail id and it should be valid so that the communication from time to time may be done on that id. Providing other person’s id may lead to a non-communication or miscommunication regarding scores and other events.

4.      The amount of fee that has been fixed for the application is Rs. 50 for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/EXSM categories. For all the other candidates, the fee amount would be Rs. 400. 

Steps for Registering/Applying Online

The online applications have to be made by the candidates by following the below given steps:

1.      Candidates need to visit the website

2.      The home page needs to be viewed and the link for CWE needs to be opened.

3.      After this, the candidates need to click on the link for the option of applying to the IBPS Clerk-II CWE and this will open up the online application form.

4.      The candidates will have to fill in all the required details about them and upload the photograph and their signature in the application form available.

5.      After the process of filling up the form and uploading the required components is over, the candidates need to go to the next step, that is, the payment of the application fee for the CWE.  

Online Payment of Fee:

The following steps have to be followed to make the online payment of fee amount:

1.      After filling the application form and uploading the required photograph and the signature, the candidates need to click on the SUBMT button.

2.      The application form is intermingled with the process to make the online payment.

3.      The payment can be made by Master/ Visa Debit or Credit cards or Internet Banking whichever is applicable and the candidates just need to choose the appropriate option and fill in the details for the payment.

4.      A print-out of the e-receipt should be retained for further usage.    

Offline Payment of Fee

The candidates need to download a payment challan from the website of IBPS and pay the required fee amount at any of the CBS branches of BOI, BOB, BOM, CBI, IOB, PNB or UBI, whichever bank seems convenient


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