Thursday, February 24, 2011

General Knowledge 8

1 The chief occupation of the people of Indus valley civilization
2 Who is called the scientific father of History?
3 Who is called the father of History?
4 The domestication of Animals started during… period
5 Who discovered Mohenjadaro, the Indus site
 RD Banerjee
6 The Indus port city Lothal was located
Bhagavo Gujrat
7 War begins in the minds of men is a saying taken from...
 Atharva Veda
8 Father of Indian Archaeology
Alexander Cunningham
9 The most populated country in the world
10 When was East India Company permitted to trade in Bengal
 1634 (Shajahan)
11 The gas used in fire extinguisher
12 Water freezes at ….. degree F
32 0 F
13 Animal having maximum life span
14 Thomas Alva Edison belonged to the country of …….
15 Organ in our body that produces the largest quantity of enzyme
16 The first Railway line in Kerala was opened in the year of …
17 Who acted the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the film ‘Gandhi’
 Ben Kingsly
18 The instrument for measuring the purity of milk
19 The heater element in an electric iron is made of
20 How many zones has India been divided for purpose of the PIN code?
 8 Zones


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